Poivre BlancPoivre Blanc mens ski wearPoivre BlancPoivre Blanc
Poivre Blanc
Poivre Blanc mens ski wearPoivre Blanc womens ski wearPoivre Blanc kids ski wear
Poivre Blanc ski wear collection 

Contact us at the Alpine Room

Querying stock

The quickest way to see if we've got something in stock is to view the products "currently in stock" chart in the on-line shop. Products and sizes shown as available in the on-line shop are in stock.

View the Poivre Blanc ranges in the Alpine Room web shop.

Click here to go to the on-line shop
(this will open in a new window).

Contact us

You can contact us by post, phone, or email:

The Alpine Room
71 - 73 Main Road

Email: sales@alpineroomshop.co.uk

01245 223563 see note below:

At times when the shop is very busy is may be difficult for the sales staff to go into lengthy product queries over the phone. You may wish to email your queries instead or ring back at a quieter time.